"Platform security request has failed: module=bcm-apisdk-security, function=0, errno=139" returned by NetMaster Web Portal
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"Platform security request has failed: module=bcm-apisdk-security, function=0, errno=139" returned by NetMaster Web Portal


Article ID: 372826


Updated On: 07-29-2024


NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP


NetMaster Web Portal STC starts fine but the portal UI returns the following error:

Encounter exception: Platform security request has failed: module=bcm-apisdk-security, function=0, errno=139 Encounter exception.

Broadcom Support portal article Netmaster Web Portal Platform security request has failed suggests checking if libbcm-apisdk-security.so is correctly defined with Program Controlled permission, but that file already has already "Program controlled = YES" coded.


NetMaster for TCPIP 12.2


The related NetMaster API Services STC doesn't have the required ESM (External Security Manager) authorization rights. 

The NMAPI JESMSGLG shows the following ESM messages:

TSS7250E 136 J=jjjjjjjj A=aaaaaaaa TYPE=IBMFAC RESOURCE=BPX.SERVER
TSS7251E Access Denied to IBMFAC <BPX.SERVER>                     

while the STDOUT contains several error messages like the following one:

24-07-13 21:09:57.189 E |c.b.r.s.s.t.ZosJniPlatformSecurityService:96 | Platform security action to create thread-level security env
ironment without password has failed: EPERM The calling address space is not authorized to use this service or a load from a not pro
gram-controlled library was done in the address space. JRNotServerAuthorized The calling address space is not permitted to the BPX.S
ERVER Facility class or the BPX.SERVER Facility class is undefined and caller not a superuser (UID=0); errno=139; errno2=0be800d8   
24-07-13 21:09:57.194 E |c.b.n.c.a.BaseControllerExceptionHandler:338 | com.broadcom.restapi.sdk.security.auth.sdk.SecurityRequestFa
iledException: Platform security request has failed: module=bcm-apisdk-security, function=0, errno=139    



See the "Configure Security for the NetMaster API Service Started Task" page for the complete ESM requirements for NM API Service.