"Site can not be offboarded due to references..." error received when attempting to remove a Local Manager (or location) from a Global Manager
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"Site can not be offboarded due to references..." error received when attempting to remove a Local Manager (or location) from a Global Manager


Article ID: 372579


Updated On: 12-02-2024


VMware NSX


When attempting to remove an NSX Local Manager (LM)/remove a location from a Global Manager (GM), you receive error messages similar to the following:

Error: Site can not be offboarded due to references [/global-infra/segments/<UUID>:dvportgroup-<###>_<segment_name> ... (Error code: 530024)

Expect to see a large list of these references. Only one is shown above, but the message will contain all of the attached dvportgroups.



This applies in Federated NSX deployments. Non-federated environments would not include Global Managers.


The cause is the presence of stale data that indicate objects that the NSX Manager believes still exist in the environment when this is not the case. This frequently is due to not following the correct procedure to remove a Local Manager (location) from a Global Manager. Processes to remove segments fail to do so by design if there are dependencies, even if the referenced objects have been removed outside of NSX Manager.

How to properly remove a location by version of NSX:
3.x Remove a Location
4.x Remove a Location 


If normal LM/location removal processes are not working and error messages state that "offboarding" isn't working due to presence of "references", please collect the following tables and 1 day's worth of NSX Manager logs and open a case with Broadcom Support, and reference this KB article.

Tables to dump by command line on the Global Manager in Engineering mode (if logged in as admin, enter: "st en" then provide the root password):
/opt/vmware/bin/corfu_tool_runner.py -o showTable -n nsx -t DeletesPending > DeletesPending.txt
/opt/vmware/bin/corfu_tool_runner.py -o showTable -n nsx -t Span > Span.txt 

Reference links showing how to gather the NSX Manager logs by version:

Any VMs or VIFs that are still attached to logical ports and actually are still present on the vSphere side will prevent Global Manager from removing associated segments on the NSX side. You must ensure that any such VMs, etc. get removed or have their networking re-configured to detach them from such portgroups.

Additional Information

If you are contacting Broadcom support about this issue, please provide the following:

  • NSX Manager log bundles for Local Manager and Global Manager
  • vCenter log bundles related to the site being removed
  • Text of any error messages seen in NSX GUI or command lines pertinent to the investigation

Handling Log Bundles for offline review with Broadcom support