When writing LUA scripts for nas pre-processing rules, what alarm fields can be used for reading/writing in these scripts?
DX UIM 20.4+
nas probe 9.34+
The following fields are available to read via a script:
.source - source of the alarm (typically ip-address)
.hostname - resolved name (robotname or ip-address to name resolution)
.level - severity level (0-5)
.sid - subsystem identification.
.message - alarm message text.
.origin - origin of the alarm (stamped by nearest hub, or in some cases the robot.)
.domain - name of originating NimBUS domain.
.robot - name of the sending robot.
.hub - name of the nearest hub to the sending robot.
.prid - name of probe issuing the alarm.
.user_tag1 - user tag 1 (as set by robot).
.user_tag2 - user tag 2 (as set by robot).
.supp_key - suppression identification key.
.visible - flag for visibility (true = visible)
Of these, the following fields are able to be set by a script:
.custom_1 to custom_5
They are accessed in the event context (i.e. event.hostname or event.sid).
More information, including basic LUA documentation, can be found in the following article:
Need detailed documentation or whitepaper about the lua database commands in the nas probe