Does UIM support IBM Storwize V5000 Storage Management?
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Does UIM support IBM Storwize V5000 Storage Management?


Article ID: 371954


Updated On: 07-11-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


Customer inquiry on whether or not DX UIM supports monitoring of IBM Storwize V5000 Storage Management.


  • DX UIM: 20.4 or higher


  • Monitoring


The IBM SVC Monitoring (ibm_svc) probe monitors the following components of IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller (SVC) and IBM V7000 storage systems:
  • vDisk
  • mDisk
  • mDisk Group
  • Node
  • Cluster
  • Host
  • IO Groups
  • Port
The probe uses SMI-S provider and Command Line Interpreter (CLI) to retrieve monitoring information. The information includes status, configuration, and statistics data of the IBM SVC or V7000 storage system. The probe supports user authentication through SSH only. So, you require a password or a valid SSH key file to access CLI.
The probe uses the performance data to generate alarms and QoS. For example, the probe can monitor the total CPU utilization of the storage system and send an alarm when it breaches a defined threshold. For more information about these performance data, see ibm_svc Metrics.

The performance data is available at system and node levels.

Currently, we do NOT support monitoring for v5000.

In the meantime, I see IBM provides this MIB for SNMP monitoring which includes V5000 all platforms: 

Options include:

  1. DX UIM self-certification process

  2. Enhancement request-> Request certification for monitoring V5000 (Storage Management)
    How to raise an enhancement request for DX UIM