How to perform self-certification for a device with the snmpcollector probe
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How to perform self-certification for a device with the snmpcollector probe


Article ID: 108038


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


This article provides an example of how to perform self-certification for network devices.

- Discovered arrayNetworks device in snmpcollector probe.

- The device has CPU usage oid ( as per the vendor MIB. However, snmpcollector probe uses UC-Davis oid ( to calculate CPU usage rather than the vendor MIB.

We would like to change it, but according to the device support portal, vendor MIB (, it does not appear to be certified.

Please explain how to use self-certification to meet my requirement.


  • UIM v8.5.1 or higher
  • snmpcollector v3.43 or higher
  • self-certification portlet (ump_selfcert) v1.14 or higher



1. You already obtained all required vendor MIBs for your device

2. You already know which OID you would like to use

3. Self-cert portlet/webapp has been deployed and is available in UMP/Operator Console respectively



- I already have arrayNetworks MIB

- I would like to develop one custom certification to support CPU usage with vendor mib as follows


[Metric Family] CPU

[Metric] Utilization

[oidcpuUtilization (

Step1 - Open self-cert portlet, select snmpcollector probe instance you would like to work with.

Step2 - Input information of device you would like to certify.



Step3 - Open MIB File Manager, Add MIBs to add your vendor MIB files, select and Load it.



Step4 - You will see "private" tree, enterprise > arrayNetworks > performance > cpuUtilization OID, and [Add to OID Cart]



Step5 - Highlight CPU Metric Families in CPUs tree.



Step6 - Highlight [Names] and input name of metric.

In this example, we are using "CPU".



- For the string part, please make sure your string is surrounded by double quotes.

- This name is used for QOS target, so take time to consider the best name.


Step7 - Highlight [Utilization] and click "Create expression".

In this example, double click "cpuUtilization" variable.



Step8 - Save as new custom certification.



A new cert file is created in <UIM>/probes/network/snmpcollector/CustomVendorCertifications folder


Step9 - Deactivate and activate snmpcollector probe to reflect the new cert file.


Step10 - Rediscover (Force Component Rediscovery) device profile.


Step11 - Highlight newly discovered CPU component, click option, "Run Vendor Certification Test", and make sure new cert is applied.




Additional Information

I have attached few samples of cert file created in this example.

If you would like to develop custom certification for multiple Metric Families (for example, CPU Usage and Memory Usage), you need to iterate the same steps for every Metric Family, as multiple Metric Families cannot be included in one custom certification.

Limitations of Self-Certification

- It is not possible to create new Metric Families
- It is not possible to create new Metrics

Please review the self-certification process for 20.3 or higher at the url below:

SNMP Device Self-Certification

Attachments get_app