%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\dbca -createDatabase -ProgressOnly -responseFile [...]
When you receive the error:
[FATAL] [DBT-50000] Unable to check for available memory
Windows Server, Oracle 19c
The error "[FATAL] [DBT-50000] Unable to check for available memory" occurs during the Oracle Database 19c configuration process, specifically when the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) tries to check the available system memory
One of the causes of this issue is a lack of correct permissions on the Oracle folder and its contents
Error from DB logs:
[Worker 0] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:14.661 ICT ] [nativesystem.WindowsNative.Native] Couldn't talk to service
[Worker 0] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:14.661 ICT ] [WindowsSystem.isRemExecServiceRunning:2760] remote exec service check failed with error creating the pipe os error = 2
[Worker 0] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:14.661 ICT ] [RemoteExecCommand.remExecServiceSetupHelper:1093] trying to start rem exec service
[Worker 0] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:14.661 ICT ] [RemoteExecCommand.setupRemoteExecService:1355] setting up RemoteExecServer if sever is needed
[Worker 0] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:14.661 ICT ] [RemoteExecCommand.setupRemoteExecService:1367] m_localExecution ->true
[Worker 0] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:14.661 ICT ] [RemoteExecCommand.setupRemoteExecService:1386] Remote exec service could not be contacted. Error returned from native code is: Failed during connecting to service
Failed to execute remote command "C:\Users\USREMR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\CVU_19.\\exectask.exe" on node "IXXXXXXXXXS0XX1".Failed during connecting to service
[Worker 0] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:18.037 ICT ] [GetExectaskVerCommand.execute:102] super.execute() failed for GetExectaskVerCommand...
[Worker 0] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:16.692 ICT ] [nativesystem.WindowsNative.Native] oisdtqs:open service 'OracleRemExecServiceV2' for query failed with error = 1060
Version of exectask could not be retrieved from node "IXXXXXXXXXS0XX1"
[main] [ 2025-01-12 22:42:21.474 ICT ] [ClusterVerification.verifyFrameworkSetup:8767] Complete failure occurred. throwing VerificationException...
--------Then the main error shows up------
SEVERE: Jan 12, 2025 10:42:21 PM oracle.install.commons.util.exception.AbstractErrorAdvisor getDetailedMessage
SEVERE: [FATAL] [DBT-50000] Unable to check for available memory.
oracle.assistants.common.base.exception.CVUException: [DBT-50000] Unable to check for available memory.