Monitored by hub not showing in OC
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Monitored by hub not showing in OC


Article ID: 368963


Updated On: 11-13-2024


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


  • We have 3 UIM servers (Primary hub/OC/cabi) pointing to the UIM Primary hub but when we are checking them in OC, it is not showing "Monitored by" hub.

  • We have around 1000 robots pointing to another hub. Around 4 servers are not showing "Monitored by" hub in OC.

  • Actually, the requirement is if any server is not showing monitored by hub in OC, then the server will not reflect in the Availability report in cabi.


  • DX UIM 20.4 or higher


  • Guidance


The 'Monitored by' column lists only those probes that have generated alarms or QOS metrics for a monitored device.
The "Monitored By" column will get populated from the S_QOS_DATA table.

If there is any probe that is monitored by that machine then it has that probe information in the "Monitored By" column. If we deploy just a robot on that machine then it shows that column as Hub otherwise for the machines just discovered using discovery there will not be any entry in the  S_QOS_DATA table. Hence the column will be blank. Please refer to the underlying query below to see the details.
SELECT DISTINCT d.cs_id,, qd.probe FROM s_qos_data qd JOIN cm_configuration_item_metric cim ON cim.ci_metric_id = qd.ci_metric_id 
JOIN  cm_configuration_item ci ON ci.ci_id = cim.ci_id 
JOIN  cm_device d on d.dev_id = ci.dev_id
JOIN CM_COMPUTER_SYSTEM cs ON cs.cs_id = d.cs_id
WHERE = '<machine_name>'
Please refer to the techdocs:
Press Ctrl-F and search for 'Monitored By.'

Please also refer to the following KB Article which explains how to unblacklist devices.
Unable to see QOS metrics for one of the servers in Operator Console (OC)

Other helpful information.
How to know which servers are monitored and providing metrics and which are not in UIM?