netapp probe has stopped working
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netapp probe has stopped working


Article ID: 368338


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


When trying to open the netapp probe in Infrastructure Manager  get the following error: netapp has stopped working

Tried running IM 4.10 and 20.4.8 and they both don't work


UIM Version: 20.4.9
Component(Probe) version: netapp 1.40


Workaround on server /laptop where no hub/robot installed using older version of IM
  • Uninstall IM
  • Deploy the following packages to the system where IM is installed:
You can obtain and install them from Microsoft url:
Reference KB
  • Reinstall older version Infrastructure Manager:4.10 from below KB attachment
Note: Engineering has also planned a permanent solution in 3 months time(tentative Sep 2024)