This issue occurs due to 2 separate agents on the vCenter Appliance - one for vpxd and one for snmp. Alarms use the vpxd agent to send traps whereas the snmp agent allows for traps to be sent to servers outside of the VCSA.
VMware is aware of this issue however currently there is no resolution.
To workaround this issue, follow the below steps, ensure you have a valid backup before proceeding:
-Download the RPM attached to this KB article and upload it to the vCenter Appliance using WinScp. Please see the following KB if there are issues connecting to the Appliance with WinScp.
-Run the following command to install the RPM:
rpm -ivh vmware-spp-1.1.0-Linux.rpm
-Ensure that the the service vmwspp is installed:
ls /etc/systemd/system | grep vmwspp
-In the vCenter GUI, ensure that vpxd SNMP configuration is the same as below. The configuration is found under vCenter -> Configure -> SNMP receivers.
-Setup the VCSA SNMP agent to send SNMPv3 traps as per the following documentation:
How to configure SNMPv3 on the vCenter
SNMP traps are not received by monitoring server when alarms in vCenter are triggered
-Ensure that the vmwspp service is running and listening on port 162:
netstat -nap | grep vmwspp
If it is not, stop and start the service and check once more:
systemctl stop vmwspp
systemctl start vmwspp