VMware Aria Operations High Availability (HA) stuck in "Failed to Deactivate" state
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VMware Aria Operations High Availability (HA) stuck in "Failed to Deactivate" state


Article ID: 345974


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • The purpose of the KB is to help troubleshoot the HA to fix cluster stability.


  • The High Availability in Aria Operations is stuck in the "Failed to Deactivate" state which restricts any configuration change in the cluster like Certificate Renewal.
  • The Activate/Deactivate HA button is greyed out.
  • The cluster can still be in an Online state but it will not perform precisely.


VMware Aria Operations 8.x


  • It can happen if the services fail to either Activate or Deactivate the HA.


  1. Take snapshots of all nodes. For steps refer How to take a Snapshot of VMware Aria Operations 
  2. SSH to all the nodes using the root credentials.
  3. Stop casa on all the nodes by running the command: service vmware-casa stop
  4. Open casa.db.script in text edit by using the command: vi /data/db/casa/webapp/hsqldb/casa.db.script
  5. Identify the ha_transition_state in the last line of the file

  6. Change the value from "FAILED_TO_DEACTIVATE' to "NONE" on all the nodes. (Please note the above screenshot has been taken from Aria Operations version 8.12. The value will be "FAILED_TO_DISABLE" in earlier versions.)
  7. Save and close the file.
  8. Start casa on all the nodes by running the command: service vmware-casa start
  9. Bring the cluster online from the admin UI.

Additional Information

How to enable/disable HA when the option is not available in Aria Operations Manager UI


  • It will impact the stability of the cluster which will in turn restrict configuration changes like Certificate renewal.