Disabling HA
Use the CASA API to disable HA by running this command as root from any of the nodes in the cluster:
curl -i -k -u 'admin:password' -X POST https://master_node_IP/casa/config/cluster/ha -d '{"is_enabled":false}' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json"
- password is the password of the admin account.
- master_node_IP is the IP addresses of the Master node.
If the issue persists, use this alternate procedure:
- Log into all nodes as root via SSH or Console.
- Run this command on all nodes to stop the vRealize Operations Manager services and restart the cluster services:
service vmware-vcops-watchdog stop; service vmware-vcops stop; service vmware-casa restart
- Run this command on the Replica and Data nodes:
$VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN /usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/sliceConfiguration/bin/vcopsConfigureRoles.py --action=configureRoles --admin=false --data=true --ui=true --adminCS=master_node_IP --startServices false
Note: You should see an output similar to:
Exiting with exit code: 0, Successfully completed vC Ops configureRoles
- Run this command on the Master and Remote Collector nodes:
$VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN /usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/sliceConfiguration/bin/vcopsConfigureRoles.py --adminCS=master_node_IP --startServices false
Note: You should see an output similar to:
Exiting with exit code: 0, Successfully completed vC Ops configureRoles
- Open the /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/conf/gemfire.properties file on all nodes and set shardRedundancyLevel=0.
- Open the /usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/sliceConfiguration/data/roleState.properties on all nodes and set these values:
adminroleconnectionstring = master_node_IP
internaladminroleconnectionstring = master_node_IP
- Run the following command on all nodes:
service vmware-vcops-watchdog start; service vmware-casa restart; service vmware-vcops start
Enabling HA
Use the CASA API to enable HA by running this command as root from any of the nodes in the cluster:
curl -i -k -u 'admin:password' -X POST https://master_node_IP/casa/config/cluster/ha -d '{"is_enabled":true, "replica_slice":"replica_node_IP"}' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json"
- password is the password of the admin account.
- master_node_IP and replica_node_IP are the IP addresses of the Master node and Replica node respectively.
If the issue persists, use this alternate procedure:
- Log into all nodes as root via SSH or Console.
- Run this command on all nodes to stop the vRealize Operations Manager services and restart the cluster services:
service vmware-vcops-watchdog stop; service vmware-vcops stop; service vmware-casa restart
- Run this command on the Replica node:
$VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN /usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/sliceConfiguration/bin/vcopsConfigureRoles.py --action=configureRoles --admin=true --data=true --ui=true --adminCS=master_node_IP,replica_node_IP --startServices false
Note: You should see an output similar to:
Exiting with exit code: 0, Successfully completed vC Ops configureRoles
- Run this command on the Master, Data, and Remote Collector nodes:
$VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN /usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/sliceConfiguration/bin/vcopsConfigureRoles.py --adminCS=master_node_IP,replica_node_IP --startServices false
Note: You should see an output similar to:
Exiting with exit code: 0, Successfully completed vC Ops configureRoles
- Open the /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/conf/gemfire.properties file on all nodes and set shardRedundancyLevel=1.
- Open the /usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/sliceConfiguration/data/roleState.properties on all nodes and set these values:
adminroleconnectionstring = master_node_IP,replica_node_IP
internaladminroleconnectionstring = master_node_IP,replica_node_IP
- Run the following command on all nodes:
service vmware-vcops-watchdog start; service vmware-casa restart; service vmware-vcops start