Uninstalling Open VMware Tools included with Linux distributions
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Uninstalling Open VMware Tools included with Linux distributions


Article ID: 339581


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VMware Desktop Hypervisor VMware vSphere ESXi


If the guest includes open-vm-tools-gui, open-vm-tools, or vmware-guest-kmp-desktop components, then the components must be removed before installing the VMware Tools supplied by VMware.

Note: As of Linux kernel version 3.9 or later, VMware supports the open-vm-tools package where it is included in a Linux distribution or its official repositories. For more information, see VMware support of open-vm-tools.


This procedure assists in finding and uninstalling open-vmware-tools for openSUSE Linux. This can be used as a guide to the identical or similar commands available in the particular Linux distribution.

Locating the preinstalled openSUSE Linux open-vm-tools

In an X terminal, log in as root (su) and run this command:
rpm -qa | grep vm

Uninstalling open-vm-tools gui, open-vm-tools, or vmware-guest-kmp-desktop

  1. In an X terminal, log in as root (su) and run this command:
    • openSUSE 11.1 or earlier:

      rpm -e open-vm-tools-gui open-vm-tools vmware-kmp-default
    • openSUSE 11.2:

      rpm -e open-vm-tools-gui open-vm-tools vmware-guest-kmp-desktop

      Note: The exact package names varies by distribution and kernel version. Confirm the package name in the installation.
  2. Install the VMware Tools included with the VMware product. For details, see General VMware Tools installation instructions.
  3. Restart the guest operating system.

For openSUSE 11.1, the rpm -e command fails with error. To resolve this:

  1. In an X terminal, log in as root (su).
  2. Edit this file using the vi editor:

    vi /etc/init.d/vmware-guest

    Note: The guest vm package name may vary.
  3. Find these lines and comment them out:

    umount /proc/fs/vmblock/mountPoint
    modprobe -r vmblock
    modprobe -r vmsync
    modprobe -r vmmemctl


    # umount /proc/fs/vmblock/mountPoint
    # modprobe -r vmblock
    # modprobe -r vmsync
    # modprobe -r vmmemctl|
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Run the command:

    rpm -e open-vm-tools-gui open-vm-tools vmware-kmp-default
  6. Install VMware Tools.

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