How to add a host back to a vSAN cluster after an ESXi host rebuild
Article ID: 327032
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VMware vSAN
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This article provides steps to rebuild an ESXi host that previously participated in a vSAN (formerly known as Virtual SAN) cluster.
VMware vSAN 6.1.x
VMware vSAN 7.0.x
VMware vSAN 8.0.x
VMware vSAN 6.5.x
VMware vSAN 5.5.x
VMware vSAN 6.2.x
VMware vSAN 6.0.x
To rejoin the ESXi host to the vSAN cluster:
Install the exact ESXi version the rest of the cluster is using, ensuring that you preserve the vSAN disk partitions.
Configure the vSAN VMkernel port group on the host. For more information, see
Configuring vSAN VMkernel networking (2058368)
Reconnect the host to the vSAN cluster in vCenter Server.
Connect to one of the remaining vSAN cluster hosts using SSH.
Identify the vSAN Sub Cluster ID using this command:
# esxcli vsan cluster get
You see output similar to:
Cluster Information
Enabled: true
Current Local Time: 2013-09-06T18:50:39Z
Local Node UUID: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a
Local Node State: MASTER
Local Node Health State: HEALTHY
Sub-Cluster Master UUID: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a
Sub-Cluster Backup UUID: 52270091-d4c9-b9a0-377b-90b11c3dfe18
Sub-Cluster UUID:
Sub-Cluster Membership Entry Revision: 1
Sub-Cluster Member UUIDs: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a, 52270091-d4c9-b9a0-377b-90b11c3dfe18
Sub-Cluster Membership UUID: f3b22752-f055-bcc5-c622-90b11c3dd59a
Run this command on the newly rebuilt ESXi host using the Sub Cluster UUID identified in step 5:
# esxcli vsan cluster join -u
For example:
# esxcli vsan cluster join -u 5230913c-15de-dda3-045e-f4d510a93f1c
Verify that the host is now a part of the vSAN cluster by running the command:
# esxcli vsan cluster get
You see output similar to:
Cluster Information
Enabled: true
Current Local Time: 2013-09-06T11:51:51Z
Local Node UUID: 522756f5-336a-8de0-791a-90b11c3e1fb9
Local Node State: AGENT
Local Node Health State: HEALTHY
Sub-Cluster Master UUID: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a
Sub-Cluster Backup UUID: 52270091-d4c9-b9a0-377b-90b11c3dfe18
Sub-Cluster UUID: 5230913c-15de-dda3-045e-f4d510a93f1c
Sub-Cluster Membership Entry Revision: 1
Sub-Cluster Member UUIDs: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a, 52270091-d4c9-b9a0-377b-90b11c3dfe18, 522756f5-336a-8de0-791a-90b11c3e1fb9
Sub-Cluster Membership UUID: f3b22752-f055-bcc5-c622-90b11c3dd59a
In the vCenter Server, refresh the vSAN status view. All hosts now report the status as
Additional Information
How to configure vSAN VMkernel networking
Adicionando um host de volta a um cluster vSAN após a reconstrução de um host ESXi
如何在 ESXi 主机重建之后将主机重新添加到 vSAN 群集
ESXi ホストの再構築後にホストを vSAN クラスタに再度追加する