VMware vSAN 7.0.x
VMware vSAN 8.0.x
Note: The steps below are still valid for vSAN 7.x but an immediate repair can be triggered using the Repair objects immediately button in the vSAN Health plug-in, if desired.
To change the default repair delay time, modify the ESXi advanced option vsan.clomrepairdelay.
Note: The default 60 minutes is designed to cover a multitude of different configurations, setting the above option too aggressively can cause unnecessary resync operations to occur, when changing this advanced option consider these factors:
Note: The Maximum value you can set in minutes for clom repair delay is 4294967295.
For vSAN 7 and above
From vSAN 6.7 U1 introduces the option to change the "Clom Repair" value, from vCenter. So if vCenter is available, we can navigate to Cluster object > Configure > vSAN > Services > Advanced Options:
Change Object Repair Timer Option to the desired value:
Important : You must wait for at least 180 seconds before proceeding with any Maintenance/Disk Group/Disk/reboot-related activity after making the above changes through the vSphere UI
The clomd service does not need to be restarted via the command line if using the GUI as with previous versions of vSAN.
To change the repair delay time using the VMware vSphere Web Client, run these steps on each ESXi host in the vSAN cluster: