How to reset password for GUI/SSH and CLI usernames in Aria Operations for Networks
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How to reset password for GUI/SSH and CLI usernames in Aria Operations for Networks


Article ID: 324470


Updated On:


VMware Aria Operations for Networks


This article provides steps to reset the support, consoleuser and admin@local password(s) using the consoleuser account.



VMware vRealize Network Insight 3.x
VMware vRealize Network Insight 4.x
VMware vRealize Network Insight 6.x
VMware vRealize Network Insight 5.x

Aria Operations for Networks 6.X


To reset support user password in Aria Operations for Networks:

  1. Log into the Aria Operations for Networks VM via SSH or vCenter Console as consoleuser.
  2. Run the following command:
modify-password system --user support
  1. Set your new password and confirm.


To reset consoleuser password in Aria Operations for Networks:

  1. Log into the Aria Operations for Networks VM via SSH or vCenter Console as consoleuser.
  2. Run the following command:
modify-password system --user consoleuser
  1. Set your new password and confirm.

To reset UI password in Aria Operations for Networks:

  1. Log into the Aria Operations for Networks VM via SSH or vCenter Console as consoleuser.
(cli) modify-password ui --user admin@local

Please note:
Resetting the UI password is ONLY supported via Platform cli.