Sporadic SFF8 abends in ARCHIVE JOURNAL job
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Sporadic SFF8 abends in ARCHIVE JOURNAL job


Article ID: 32425


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IDMS IDMS - Database


The WTOEXIT submits ARCHIVE JOURNAL jobs to the internal reader when the DC205003 message is issued, indicating a disk journal is full. Most of the time these jobs run fine, but occasionally one will abend with SFF8 which indicates that SVC x'F8' (248) is not defined and loaded in the LPAR. SVC 248 is the IDMS SVC and has been installed with CAIRIM in the LPAR where the CV runs. It has been the same SVC number for years.


Release: All supported releases.


Many clients have a setup where multiple LPARS share DASD and submitted jobs can be routed to any of a list of valid LPARs.

In this case, the client discovered that the failing jobs were being run in an LPAR where SVC 248 had not been installed. 


Make sure the required SVC is installed in all LPARs where IDMS jobs requiring it are run, or use the SYSAFF JCL parameter to direct the jobs in question to the LPAR where the SVC has been installed.

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