An IDMS CV, task, batch job or CICS interface abends with an SFxx abend code.
Release: All supported releases.
An SFxx abend code means that the job or task in question has attempted to invoke an SVC and that SVC has not been generated and installed in the LPAR with CAIRIM. The last two characters of the abend code represent the number of the SVC in hex.
The most commonly used SVC numbers are 172 to 176 and 251 to 255, so the abend codes could be SFAC SFAD SFAE SFAF SFBO SFFB SFFC SFFD SFFE or SFFF.
These are the places where the SVC number can be specified and so should be checked that the correct number has been used.
Check also that the abend might be occurring in any IDMS related work (e.g. a batch job) before CAIRIM has been run to load the SVC.
Note: This abend is different to the more common SExx abend which means there is a problem with the security of the relevant SVC. See SEAD, SEFD, or other SExx abend at startup of a CA IDMS Central Version (CV). SFxx indicates that the SVC is simply not there.