vmware-dataservice-sca and vsphere-client status change from green to yellow
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vmware-dataservice-sca and vsphere-client status change from green to yellow


Article ID: 323332


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


When vmware-dataservice-sca and vsphere-client status change from green to yellow continually in vCenter Server 6.0, change the vSphere Web Client Server maximum heap size manually to work around this issue.

The vmware-dataservice-sca and vsphere-client status change from green to yellow continually in vCenter Server 6.0.

Note: For additional symptoms and log entries, see the Additional Information section.


VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x


The memory consumption by vSphere-client service depends on many factors like the size of vCenter Server, the scale of the inventory, how many and what kind of plugins are used, and so on. Although the initial heap sizes of each services are determined during system boot as cloud-ram-size(.bat) -l shows, tuning may be required if the initial allocation does not fully meet the requirement of each environment.

To resolve this issue, change the maximum heap size manually:

  1. Change the vSphere Web Client Server maximum heap size manually:

    In vCenter Server Appliance:

    Run this command:

    cloudvm-ram-size -C XXX vsphere-client.

    Where XXX is the desired heap size in MB.

    To determine the ram size run this command:

    cloudvm-ram-size -l

    In Windows:

    Locate the C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\visl-integration\usr\sbin\cloudvm-ram-size.bat file and run this command:

    cloudvm-ram-size.bat -C XXX vspherewebclientsvc.

    Where XXX is the desired heap size in MB.

    To determine the ram size run this command:

    cloudvm-ram-size.bat -l
  2. Restart the vSphere Web Client service:

    In vCenter Server Appliance:

    Run this restart command:

    vCSA 6.0: service vsphere-client restart
    vCSA 6.x: 
    service-control --stop vsphere-client and service-control --start vsphere-client​

    In Windows:
    1. Open Component Services.
    2. Click Start.
    3. Go to All Programs > Administrative Tools > Component Services.
    4. In the left pane select Services.
    5. Right-click vSphere web client service and click Stop.
    6. Right-click and click Start
If the issue persists, file a support request with VMware Support and quote this Knowledge Base article ID(2144950) in the problem description. For more information, see How to file a Support Request in Customer Connect (2006985) .

Additional Information

You experience these additional symptoms:

  • In the Tasks and Events, you see these messages:

    VMware vCenter - Alarm alarm.HealthStatusChangedAlarm] vsphere-client status changed from green to yellow
    VMware vCenter - Alarm alarm.HealthStatusChangedAlarm] vmware-dataservice-sca status changed from green to yellow

  • Cannot locate resourcebundles and scripts folders in C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\sca.