[VMC] VCGA is failing to update
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[VMC] VCGA is failing to update


Article ID: 323290


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS VMware Cloud on Dell EMC


The VCGA will continue to fail until the resolution is completed.

Provide steps to force the update of the VCGA.


Customer's VCGA is attempting to update to the latest version (, but is failing.

Example Screenshot:

Example Log entries:

2023-07-27T13:40:11.274 [34128]DEBUG:utils.update_utils:Version file not modified, will use cached local version for Platform'

2023-07-26 21:10:20,336 - 56320 -    update_b2b_target::               b2bRequirements: 433 -    DEBUG - Done with B2Brequirements with script hook result <vmware.update.specs.RequirementsResult object at 0x7fbf1d107210> and selected disk partition /storage/core
2023-07-26 21:10:20,336 - 56320 -  task_manager_target::                        update:  80 -    DEBUG - UpdateTask: status=FAILED, progress=0, message={'id': 'com.vmware.appliance.nothing to stage', 'default_message': 'All the packages are already installed.', 'args': []}
2023-07-26 21:10:20,338 - 56320 -    update_b2b_target::                         stage:1153 -    DEBUG - Returning from stage(), all packages are already installed
2023-07-26 21:10:20,338 - 56320 -   dbfunctions_target::                    executeDML:  54 -    DEBUG - Executing Query {INSERT INTO progress VALUES(NULL, ?,         DATETIME('now'), ?, ?, ?)} with parameters ('download', 'All RPMs already staged', 100, 40)
2023-07-26 21:10:20,340 - 56320 -  update_microservice::                     _runEvent: 420 -    ERROR - Event callback failed: UnboundLocalError("local variable 'stageDir' referenced before assignment") 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "/storage/core/software-update/updates/", line 413, in _runEvent\n    coroutine.send(1)\n  File "/storage/core/software-update/updates/", line 253, in stageAndInstallEventHandler\n    coroutine.send(i)\n  File "/storage/core/software-update/updates/", line 1215, in stage\n    _cleanup([path.dirname(stageDir), STAGE_DIR, WORK_UPDATES],\nUnboundLocalError: local variable \'stageDir\' referenced before assignment\n'

sk4@blr-dbc2103:/dbc/blr-dbc2103/sk4/LOGS/Triage/VMC-Gateway/vc-vmware-vcgw-prod.intranet.local-2023-07-27--13.56-40887/etc/applmgmt/appliance$ cat software_update_state.conf 


    "state": "INSTALL_FAILED",

    "version": "",

    "latest_query_time": "2023-07-26T21:10:11Z",

    "operation_id": "/storage/core/software-update/stage_install_operation"



The issue is not due to any patching code, but rather a cleanup of stage files is required.


1. Confirm the steps in this KB have been completed prior to proceeding with the step 2 - Alert on Cloud Gateway Appliance- "Cloud Gateway Update Failed: Contact support"

2. If the above KB does not remediate the issue, please proceed with creating a Support Request with VMC GS (Creating and managing Broadcom support cases) with an OnPrem vCenter Log Bundle, VCGA Log Bundle, a screenshot of the failed update from the VCGA VAMI and this KB attached.