- HTTPS プロキシを使用していると、vCenter 7.0 H5 Web クライアントから OVF をデプロイできない。
"cannot authenticate SSL certificate for proxy" in Content Library for vCenter HTTPs Proxy Support」を参照してください。
- /var/log/vmware/vpxd.log に次のようなエラーが記録される。
Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?, note that HTTP/s proxy is configured for the transfer
2020-09-16T14:41:59.004+02:00 info vpxd[14866] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=2b691553-01] [VpxLRO] -- ERROR task-1978410 -- UPSA913s-x64-VM01-noV
APP -- ResourcePool.ImportVAppLRO: vim.fault.OvfImportFailed:
--> Result:
--> (vim.fault.OvfImportFailed) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.fault.SystemError) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [
--> (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) {
--> key = "com.vmware.ovfs.ovfs-main.ovfs.transfer_failed",
--> arg = (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) [
--> (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) {
--> key = "0",
--> value = "Invalid response code: 403, note that HTTP/s proxy is configured for the transfer"
--> message = "Transfer failed: Invalid response code: 403, note that HTTP/s proxy is configured for the transfer."
--> reason = ""
--> msg = "Transfer failed: Invalid response code: 403, note that HTTP/s proxy is configured for the transfer."
--> faultMessage = <unset>