Severe latency due to Unicast Probe & VDR Hold Queue Issue
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Severe latency due to Unicast Probe & VDR Hold Queue Issue


Article ID: 317182


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VMware NSX


Users experience severe latency when browsing.

  1. Pick a couple of hosts that have Server and Client VMs deployed and execute the below command

    net-vdr -I -l

  2. In the output look for the value with the arrow next to it. If it's 1000, use this host for running tests.

    Example output

    [root@localhost:~] net-vdr -I -l
    DR Instance Information :
    DR UUID: 2478a1e5-####-####-####-6ea3a0176f84
    DR Id: 0x00000002
    Number of Lifs: 3
    Number of Routes: 4
    Number of Hold Pkts: 1 <========
    State: Enabled
    Num unique nexthops: 1
    Number of ARP Entries: 18
    Max number of ARP Entries: 50000
    Generation Number: 0
    Edge Active: No
    Pmac: 00:00:00:00:00:00
    Dynamic resource pool tag: 65535
    Multicast Routing: Disabled

  3. Execute the below command to find out LIF that has more Nascent ARPs. Note the UUID from the last column in the output.

    net-vdr -N -l <DR-UUID> | grep “00:00:00:00:00” > /tmp/vdr-neighbor-entries.txt

    created a vdr-neighbor-entries.txt file for all hosts with the 1000 Hold Packets (with the hostname in front)

  4. Confirm the issue by identifying the hostnames with the 1000 Hold Packets

    less vdr-neighbor-entries.txt
    after running above command or

    net-vdr -N -l <DR-UUID>


VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x


‘Number of Hold Packets’ counter never decrements.
Unicast ND probe not working.


This issue is resolved in VMware NSX 3.2.0, available at Broadcom downloads.

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