Where To Find Documentation, Installers and Supported Operating Systems
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Where To Find Documentation, Installers and Supported Operating Systems


Article ID: 289001


Updated On:


Carbon Black App Control (formerly Cb Protection)


Where to download the latest App Control Server Installer, Agent Installer, Rules Installer, documentation and supported operating systems.


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • App Control Server: All Supported Versions


Agent, Rules and Server Installation Files:

  • Broadcom Support Portal > Cyber Security Software > My Downloads will contain links to the latest Agent, Rules, and Server installers.
  • The Product Announcements page will contain announcements specific to new releases, security announcements, or any other news-worthy events for App Control.

Agent, Rules and Server Documentation:

Operating Environment Requirements (OER) for relevant Supported Agent/OS (Operating System) combinations: