Server Communication: WaitForResponse End: m_bIsSleeping[0] IsSleeping[0] GetHttpStatus[0] GetWinHttpError[12007] GetSslError[0] DataAvailable[0]
Server Communication: WaitForResponse: WAIT_OBJECT_DATA_AVAILABLE_EVENT
Server Communication: WinHTTP communication error: 12007
The server name cannot be resolved.
Typically this happens when a networking issue is preventing the endpoint from resolving the Server Address:
This error can also appear as Error[00002EE7]
Use a command prompt to issue the following commands:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent"
dascli status
In the returned output, locate: Server Information > Server and note the address. Example: means the Server Address is
Verify traffic between the endpoint and Server Address is not blocked by the firewall.
Attempt to connect to that Server Address via the PowerShell command: