DX OI - "ITSM Manual Grouping of Alarms" Troubleshooting
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DX OI - "ITSM Manual Grouping of Alarms" Troubleshooting


Article ID: 281955


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DX Operational Intelligence DX OI SaaS


If multiple alarms with a similar root cause are ingested into DX Operational Intelligence, The "Manual Grouping of Alarms" will allow you to create a single ticket for all those alarms .

The Ticket Management icon on the All Alarms page provides the options as shown in this image.

The following is a high-list of techniques and suggestions to employ when troubleshooting ITSM Manual Grouping of Alarms issues


DX OI 23.3 and higher

DX OI SaaS (valid for some troubleshooting steps, ie: using developer tools)


Troubleshooting steps:

1) All Manual group ticket request would go through DOI-Readserver , IncidentManagement pods. 

For any other errors, Kindly check DOI-Readserver and IncidentManagement pods logs.

Incidentmanagement     : /incidentmangement/incidentmanager/logs/<pod_name>restservices/restservices.log
Doi-Readserver  :  /opt/caemm/logs/<pod_name>/ca-doi-server-log.txt

2) Make sure that both these pods are up and running without any issues.

3) There are 4 major use case . 

  • Group Ticket Creation : 
    • Firstly , we need to make sure that ITSM connectivity is checked by clicking Test button in ITSM channel page and fix before using this feature . 
    • For any failure while creating a group ticket , check doi-readserver and incidentmanagement logs. Primarily incident management pod is responsible .
    • Among selected alarms , if any alarms will have already a ticket assigned in that case that alarm will not be part of group ticket and the action will be failed for that alarm.
  • Assign Ticket to alarms  : While assigning existing ticket to alarms , if we don’t see the required ticket in the list . check below:
    • Firstly ticket should not be closed. 
    • If ticket is resolved but not closed, in that case , check the ITSM channel configuration. If Resolved radio button is selected in bidirectional send and receive rules that means Ticket resolve state will close the alarms, hence it can not be assigned to any alarms.
    • If ticket is in open state, then we need to check doi-readsever logs. This pod is responsible for fetching the eligible tickets from elastic for the assignment. 
  • Group movement : 
    • This is another use case of Assign Ticket to alarms  where alarms can be moved from one ticket group to another ticket group. 
    • For any group movement failure , check if the source ticket has some alarms associated . At least One alarm should be linked to any ticket at any point of time
    • For any other failures, check incident management pod logs.
  • UnAssign Group Ticket : 
    • Ticket can be only un-assigned if that ticket has any other alarms associated. If the ticket has only single alarms associated then that alarm can not unlinked from ticket.
    •  For any other failure , check incident management logs.


4) Alarm Action Detailed Message : Use developer tool to get the detailed response for each alarm action. 

    • Click F12 and then see the API response for more details . Look for the each alarm status , For failure , check the failure message.
    • For more details , check the required pod logs .


5) Logs Location : 

a) For any ITSM connectivity and NIM errors in api response . Kindly check below nim pod logs.

doi-nim-api  ->  /app/logs/logs-<pod_name>nim-sm-api.log 
doi-nim-core ->  /app/logs/logs-<pod_name>nim-sm-core.log 

b)   For any other errors, Kindly check DOI-Readserver and IncidentManagement pods logs.

Incidentmanagement     : /incidentmangement/incidentmanager/logs/<pod_name>restservices/restservices.log
Doi-Readserver  :  /opt/caemm/logs/<pod_name>/ca-doi-server-log.txt


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