After upgrading to 22.1, we noticed that some pods remain in CrashLoopBackOff status
Warning Failed 115s (x4 over 2m38s) kubelet Error: failed to start container "doireadserver": Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "": cannot run executable found relative to current directory: unknown
the error is reported for doi-normalized-alarm, doireadserver, dxi-notify deployments but we have noticed it can affect others pods.
DX Platform, DX OI 22.1
The problem is related to a defect in 22.1 release. It is fixed in latest 23.x releases.
1) Edit the affected deployment
kubectl edit deployment <affected-dxi-deployment> -n <your-namespace>
2) Add the below line under "containers:" section
-command: [“/opt/”]
3) remove the hyphen("-") for "env" section:
Below is an example for doi-normalized-alarm