Not able to discover any device specific metrics in CAPM with status of Not Supported being shown:
DX NetOps all current releases
The MIB walks (generated by KB : Sapwalk2) are huge in size, over hundreds of MB each, with thousands of instances of the following type of error:
#ERROR:LEXORDER:, Integer , 1
Then at the end, there is:
#Got endOfMIBView. Making sure no more oids left. Trying
#Got endOfMIBView. Making sure no more oids left. Trying
#Got endOfMIBView. Making sure no more oids left. Trying
#Got endOfMIBView. Making sure no more oids left. Trying
#Got endOfMIBView. Making sure no more oids left. Trying
#Got endOfMIBView. Making sure no more oids left. Trying
#Got endOfMIBView. Making sure no more oids left. Trying
#Got endOfMIBView. Making sure no more oids left. Trying
#Walk ended with a endOfMIBView response
This only happens when the agent on the device is not responding correctly to SNMP GET_REQUEST queries. The error - "Got endOfMIBView", means that we're querying the device for OIDs that the device's agent cannot understand.
So these OIDs are not getting read or discovered and the Metrics end up as unsupported.
This is a device problem. With regards to Cisco, the issue is a defect in the device firmware, as per:
Spectrum cannot be configured to work-around this (out of order OIDs) so to resolve this, request a device fix from the vendor.