Move SOI Manager to a new server
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Move SOI Manager to a new server


Article ID: 277810


Updated On:


CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


This Article describes the steps to migrate the SOI Manager to a new server. The scenario covered in this KB supposes that: 

1. The SOI Manager will keep the IP address and the hostname as the original instance
2. The DB Server will not change


SOI 4.2 CUx





•  The steps below might require involving a DBA for certain DB operations.

•  The steps below are a suggestion from Broadcom Support in collaboration with SOI Engineering, however, different approaches could be taken to achieve the same objective.

•  Ensure you have a roll-back plan and/or test this on a test system before applying on production. 


Follow the steps below to migrate the SOI Manager server to a different server, while keeping the IP and HOSTNAME as the original SOI Server and keeping the DB Server intact: 

1. If possible Snapshot the SOI Manager server to have a rollback option in case of failure. 

2. Back up the existing SOI Manager DB. (Eg. SAMstore.bak)

(screenshot below from SQL Management Studio)

3. Copy the existing Synchronization Configuration settings. This step is required because these settings will need to be restored manually in the new instance.
    Go to your Administrator Page: http://<SOIMANAGER>:7070/sam/ui/ > Administration > Expand the Manager node > select "Synchronization Configuration"
     Screenshot this page so you can remember the existing setting. 

4. Stop All SOI Services and all local and remote connectors.  Ensure that all SOI services are shut down and that all locally running and remote connectors are deactivated before proceeding. 

NOTE: Ensure all services and connectors are shut down. If not all services are correctly stopped it can compromise the migration. 


5. Start up the new Server where you are going to install the new SOI instance and configure the IP and hostname that should match the original SOI Manager. 

6. On the new server, download SOI installation files and install the SOI Manager. During the install steps, use the same Database Server but create a new DB Schema (Eg. SAMstore2)

7. Deploy all Cumulative Updates that were installed in the original SOI installation. (Eg. SOI 4.2CU4)

8.  Once the installation has copleted. Stop All SOI Services on the newly created SOI MANAGER server. 

NOTE: Ensure all SOI services are shut down. If not all services are correctly stopped it can compromise the migration. 


9. Using SQL Management Studio, Delete the new DB Schema ceated (Eg. SAMstore2). 




10. Create a new DB and name it similarly to the DB that has been created during the install and then deleted in point 9).  (Eg. SAMstore2). 


(Set the same ownership as the SAMstore, Eg. "sa")


11. Restore the backup taken (SAMstore.bak) into the new empty DB Created.  (Eg. SAMstore2). 

Task > Restore > Database



12. After restoring the DB run the queries from the KB Below on your restored DB (Eg. SAMstore2):

SOI Manager doesn't start

NOTE: As the services are already stopped at this point, proceed to point 2 directly and star executing the queries.


13. After the queries have been executed, Start all SOI Services as explained in the KB SOI Manager doesn't start


14. Restore the "Synchronization Configuration" settings from the administration page. (The services will restart if changes will be added)


15. The SOI Connectors that were running locally on the SOI Server (Eg. UIM Connector, Spectrum Connector) will need to be reinstalled again on the same machine (SOI Manager) if there were there before. 

NOTE: IMPORTANT! Connectors that are reinstalled, need to have the exact same hostname and connector name. Any small change will turn into connector duplication. 


16. Start remote connectors services. As we are keeping the hostname and IP address this will reconnect to the new instance.  




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