After restoring a last saved SAMStore DB backup, SOI manager & UI doesn't start and manager logs shows below exceptions...
"ModelUpdates: Error invoking job (updateAttribute 0x12c00000000002 0x30006) :"
"AlarmUpdates: Error invoking job"
"ModelUpdates: Error invoking job"
UI Manager debug page shows "Type Repository" & other components failed
SOI 4.2
Please execute following steps in the same order to address this problem
3. Run "Registryloader.bat" on SOI Manager (Path: \SOI\tomcat\registry)
4. Start "CA SOI MQ Server", "CA SOI Application Server", "CA SOI UCF Broker" & "CA SOI WSO2 Carbon" services on SOI Manager
5. Check 'Triage Tests' on the Manager debug page, if Manager initialization completes, then start the remaining services on the Manager
6. Start UI services
7. Start Connector services one at a time