Could not find the driver class : oracle.jdbc.oracledriver appears the localhost log on the Enforce server.
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Could not find the driver class : oracle.jdbc.oracledriver appears the localhost log on the Enforce server.


Article ID: 277613


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


You encounter the following error in the \Logs\Tomcat\localhost_year-month-day.log and wonder if it is a problem: 

12 Dec 2023 07:13:38,546- Thread: 39 SEVERE [] Could not find the driver class : oracle.jdbc.oracledriver in ConnectionFactoryDBCImpl! Cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.oracledriverjava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.oracledriver at   org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass( at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.loadClass( at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)


DLP: 15.8 / 16.x


The error is that the oracle.jdbc.oracledriver was not loaded at that moment when OJB was trying to initialize which makes it look like its trying to load OJB before its ready. 


If the DLP services do start on the Enforce server successfully it means that it was able to use the OJB to access the database for startup data from the database which does require the ojdbc driver thus it self-resolved and no action is required. 

If you encounter some issues with the service starting you may want to try shutting down the DLP services on the Enforce server first, then restart the Oracle Database, following that start the  DLP services on the Enforce server. 

If the problem persists you should further investigate the root cause as you likely either have a network connectivity or database issue that requires further attention. 

Additional Information

Article ID: 159970 - Restart DLP Enforce services in the correct order

Article ID: 160251 - Test the Oracle database connection string used by DLP Enforce

Article ID: 213208 - Capture a network trace without installing Wireshark

Article ID: 160576 - Where is the Oracle alert_protect.log?