DX UIM 20.4 - cabi upgrades to 8.00/8.01
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DX UIM 20.4 - cabi upgrades to 8.00/8.01


Article ID: 275379


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


  • DX UIM upgrade to 20.4 CU8 - cabi upgrade failure


  • Release: DX UIM 20.4 CU8
  • wasp v20.48
  • Installation/upgrade of UIM
  • cabi v8.00/8.01



To get to cabi 8.0 you need to migrate from 7.50->8.0->8.01 but you should be able to follow this path.

Cleanup CABI

1. Cabi cleanup process for uninstallation or reinstall

Install CABI (bundled)

2. Install or Upgrade for a Bundled CABI Server

Please refer to:

CA Business Intelligence with DX UIM

See sections titled:

"Software Packages Supported with Specific CABI Versions" and "CABI Support Matrix"

For a more detailed, stepwise description to implement the cabi upgrade, please follow the steps below:

Pre-cabi install/upgrade: If cabi was previously installed on the cabi server robot, first follow the cabi cleanup KB Article:

Cabi cleanup process for uninstallation or reinstall

Stepwise instructions:

  1. In the wasp probe on the cabi server robot, via Raw Configure mode, correct the data_engine probe,‘NimBUS’ address key, e.g., /<UIM_domain>/<Primary_hub>/<robot>/data_engine

  2. Deactivate wasp

  3. Wait for the port and the PID to disappear

  4. Activate wasp, and once the wasp is green and has a port and a PID,

  5. Deploy cabi probe v7.50 on the cabi server robot and make sure it starts and gets a port and a PID

  6. Deploy the following report/dashboard packages to the CABI server from your local Primary hub archive:

    • uim_unified_reporter_pack (v1.10)

    • uim_cabi_health_report_pack (v1.42)

    • uim_core_dashboards_pack(v2.51)

       7. Deploy the ump_cabi package (v20.48) to the Operator Console server robot.

      8. Once wasp and cabi are both green and running fine, then deploy cabi v8.00.
          It takes some time for this to complete, and then both wasp and cabi should be green and have ports and PIDs. Check logs for errors.

      9. Repeat the above process starting with Step #1, but in Step #5, deploy cabi probe v8.01

     10. Login to the CABI portal (http://<cabi_server_IP_Address> or <FQDN>/cabijs/) and check whether it is working or not.
           Use the default username and password for CABI Server.

Additional Information

  • cabi version 8.00 works with DX UIM 20.4 CU4 or higher

  • cabi version 8.01 works with DX UIM 20.4 CU8 or higher

  • Upgrading to cabi 8.00 or 8.01 requires cabi 7.50 be in place first, for more info please refer to: CABI Support Matrix