Users cannot login to Clarity. app-ca.log shows the following error:
ERROR 1947-08-15 22:09:28,169 [Post Condition Transition Pipeline 1 (tenant=clarity)] bpm.engine (clarity:someUser:someSession:none) Error in pipeline
com.niku.bpm.BpmException: Cannot get DB Connection
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit
Release : 15.9.2
Multiple execution plans, for the login query, that checks an user's access rights. Some of these execution plans ran the query for a relatively longer time.
Baselining better execution profiles resolved the issue, along with stopping the gathering of stats directly in Oracle. The application has a job that has to be used for the purpose of gathering of stats on the application schema.