In cmd commands some Spanish characters are displayed incorrecly in r14.5 CU4:
Client Automation 14.5.CU1 to CU6
The saved with Encoding: UTF-8 instead of ANSI.
The solution requires the 2 steps:
1. Set the default code page for OEMCP (code page used by cmd commands) to 1252 (it should not
affect the others cmd commands), then restart windows.
REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage /v OEMCP /t REG_SZ /d 1252 /f
Invalid displayed character in cmd commands - Article ID: 259999
2. Copy the original from r14.5 GA bin folder to the CU4 folder before applying it over r14.5 GA.
Or, open the from any CU* folder with notepad and save with the option Encoding: ANSI
(confirm the file extension is .es only).