DX OI - No data for some UIM metrics that has Spanish characters
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DX OI - No data for some UIM metrics that has Spanish characters


Article ID: 272616


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DX Operational Intelligence


We are using NTServices UIM Probe to monitor windows services status, this information is collected by the OIConnector and information is then sent to DX OI

The problem is that we have noticed that the spanish characters are not read correctly and windows service names appear as corrupted and No metric data is reported

1) Here is one of the windows services name, notice the Spanish char in the name

2) Here is how it is displayed in DX OI => incorrect and No data is displayed. Other windows services metrics and data are collected just fine.

3) In the oi_connector log the below ERROR is reported:

Can't post metric values as there is no metric_unique_id for this record


UIM OIConnector 1.4x, 1.5x


The problem is related to defect  DE572888


1) Go to UIM Admin Console

2) Desactivate OI_Connector probe

3) Open OI_Connector Raw configure

4) Double click "Startup" option

5) Append : -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 as below

6) Delete the existing oi_connector log

7) Active the oi_connector log

8) Wait for 5 minutes and verify

Here is the result for the above example: metric name with the Spanish char appears correctly and data is reported as expected.

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