DX AIOps - How to check Jarvis services Health
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DX AIOps - How to check Jarvis services Health


Article ID: 272224


Updated On:


DX Operational Intelligence DX Application Performance Management CA App Experience Analytics


The following is a high-list of techniques and suggestions to employ when troubleshooting Jarvis  common performance and configuration issues.


DX 2x



Make sure that ALL the Jarvis services are in green status using the below 2 options:

Option 1:

1-Locate the doi-nginx endpoint:

kubectl get ingress -ndxi | grep nginx

doi-nginx-ingress                     doi-nginx.<endpoint>                            80        89d


2-Connect to : http(s)://doi-nginx.<endpoint>/health
For example: https://doi-nginx.#.#.#.nip.io/health
3. Verify that all jarvis services are in green status
Option 2
1- Connect to any kafka pod
   kubectl exec -ti <jarvis-kafka-pod> sh -n<namepsace>
2- Query the health page:
curl -XGET 'http://jarvis-apis:8080/health'

2.What to collect if the problem persist?

If after applying the above checks and recommendations the problem persist, collect the below logs and contact Broadcom Support:


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