This is a Quick Install guide for the Data Loss Prevention Enforce Server
For the full "DLP Quick Install Guide for Linux" please visit the following link: DLP Quick Install Guides
The Enforce Server is a core component required for Data Loss Prevention.
VERSION DISCLAIMER: <DLPversion> = 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1 or 16.0.2 |
Note: Username and Passwords provided below are for example only, choose your own values to match your company requirements.
Download Installers:
DLP Platform Installer: Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion>_Platform_Lin-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip
Oracle Client Installer: Linux.X64_<ORACLEversion>
** The Oracle Client MUST be installed if Oracle is not installed locally on the Enforce Server.
RHEL Developer Subscription:
RHEL Registration Quick Install Guide for Linux
DLP on RHEL: How to open firewalld ports
DLPInstallers directory:
- At the root level create a new directory called "DLPInstallers", this will be used to download all of the DLP related software.
mkdir /DLPInstallers
- Download all of the DLP/Oracle installers and place them into this "DLPInstallers" directory.
Download additional software:
yum install zip unzip
- This will install "zip", and "unzip"
- You may see a message indicating that one or more of these is already installed. That is perfectly fine, you can install any missing utilities and move on.
Install Java:
Java AdoptOpenJRE Quick Install Guide for Linux
Install the Oracle 19c Client:
Oracle 19c Client Quick install Guide for Linux
Create the Environment Variables:
Environment Variables Quick Install Guide for Linux
Install the DLP Enforce Server:
- Copy the Installer to your staging directory "Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion>_Platform_Lin-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip"
- Unzip the Platform installer
unzip Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion>_Platform_Lin-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip
- This will unzip everything to a DLP directory
- CD to the installer packages
cd /DLPInstallers/<DLPversion>/DLP/<DLPversion>/New_Installs/Release
- Unzip the
- CHMOD the RPM files to 755 so they can be executed
chmod 755 *.rpm
- CHMOD the "" file to 755 as well so it can be executed
chmod 755
- Install/Confirm the Dependencies
- Create a new "downloads" directory
mkdir downloads
- Run the following YUM command to download the dependencies
yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=./downloads *.rpm
- CD into the downloads directory
cd downloads
- Run the following YUM command to install the dependencies
yum install *.rpm
- Run the "" to install the Enforce Server software
- CD back to the "Release" directory where the "" installer is located.
cd /DLPInstallers/<DLPversion>/DLP/<DLPversion>/New_Installs/Release
- run the "" for the Enforce Server
./ -t enforce
** note that this command will install using the default directories
** If you wish to use Customer Directories, please check the Admin Guide for more details
Run the Configuration Utility:
- CD to the "/protect/install/" directory
cd /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/<DLPversion>/Protect/install
- Run the EnforceServerConfigurationUtility
./EnforceServerConfigurationUtility -silent -jreDirectory=/opt/AdoptOpenJRE/<JREversion>
- Accept the Agreement
- Enter your JRE Directory
- Use FIPS? (only use this if required)
- Select New User
- Create a new Service Account
- Enter your ORACLE_HOME
- Enter your Oracle Hostname or IP
- Enter your Oracle Port
- Enter your Oracle Servicename
- Enter your Oracle Username
- Enter your Oracle Password
- Initialize your Database (this will wipe the database)
- Enforce Administrator Password
- External Storage
- Select additional languages (1 for None)
Log into the Enforce Console:
- Open a Browser
https://<enforce hostname or ip>
Add your DLP Licenses:
- To add your DLP License, follow the steps found here