Installing the Oracle 19c Client on the Enforce Server
- This is a required pre-requisite for installing or upgrading the Enforce Server.
The Oracle Client is a pre-requisite for installing or upgrading the Enforce Server
VERSION DISCLAIMER: <DLPversion> = 15.8 or 16.0 or 16.0.1 |
Download the Oracle 19c Client Installer:
Oracle 19c Client Installer Filename: LINUX.X64_<ORACLEversion>
** The Oracle Client MUST be installed on the Enforce Server, if the Oracle Database is not installed locally on the Enforce Server.
Preparing to run the Oracle 19c Installer
1. Install the Oracle Dependencies
yum install -y bc binutils elfutils-libelf elfutils-libelf-devel fontconfig-devel glibc glibc-devel ksh libaio libaio-devel libXrender libX11 libXau libXi libXtst libgcc libnsl librdmacm libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libxcb libibverbs make smartmontools sysstat
2. Create the "oracle" user
adduser oracle
**Note: In order for the Environment Variables to work for Oracle, you must also configure them under the Oracle user.
Create the Environment Variables:
Environment Variables Quick Install Guide for Linux
3. Check your oracle ID's
id oracle
** Note the UID, GID, and GROUPS are all showing "oracle" as their identifier
** this will be used later for the "UNIX_GROUP_NAME"
4. Create the following two directories
mkdir -p /opt/oracle/oraInventory
mkdir -p /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/client_1
5. Change the owner of these new directories to "oracle"
chown -R oracle. /opt/oracle
6. Change directory to your DLPInstallers location
cd /DLPInstallers/<DLPversion>
7. Extract the Oracle Client files to your Installer location
unzip LINUX.X64_<ORACLEversion> -d /DLPInstallers/<DLPversion>/oracle
8. Change the owner of the "oracle/client" directory to "oracle"
chown -R oracle. oracle/client
9. Modify the "client_install.rsp" file
Path: /DLPInstallers/<DLPversion>/oracle/client/response
Filename: client_install.rsp
nano /DLPInstallers/<DLPversion>/oracle/client/response/client_install.rsp
INVENTORY_LOCATION: /opt/oracle/oraInventory
ORACLE_HOME: /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/client_1
ORACLE_BASE: /opt/oracle
INSTALL_TYPE: Administrator
Run the Oracle Client Installer
1. Switch to the 'oracle' user
su oracle
2. Change directory to the "client" directory
cd /DLPInstallers/<DLPversion>/oracle/client
3. Run the runInstaller
./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /DLPInstallers/<DLPversion>/oracle/client/response/client_install.rsp
4. After seeing the success message, hit "Enter" to get back to the command prompt
5. Copy the 'tnsnames.ora' file from your Oracle Server to the Enforce Server
Oracle: C:\Oracle\Product\<ORACLEversion>\db_1\network\admin
Enforce: /opt/oracle/product/<ORACLEversion>/client_1/network/admin
6. Run TNSPING to confirm the tnsnames.ora file is working
tnsping protect
7. Log into SQL as the protect user and run the following command to confirm we can connect to the database and pull data.
sqlplus protect@protect
select * from v$version;
For additional guides please see the "Getting Started with Data Loss Prevention"
To provide feedback please click on the "Feedback" link or send an email to "[email protected]"