Move CABI to a different server
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Move CABI to a different server


Article ID: 272181


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


At times, it is required to move the UIM CABI installation from one server to a different server.

Whether if to change OS type, or because a server needs to be decommissioned or to move from On PREM to a Cloud server, what are the steps to migrate CABI to a different server? 

Can we keep the existing custom CABI Reports in the new CABI server? How can we export/import CABI Reports? 


Any CABI version




Scenario A. Steps when migrating to a new server with the original cabi server name and IP

1. Stop the Nimsoft Robot Watcher service on original server

2. Copy the Nimsoft directory to new server 

3. Copy the cabi keystore files(.jrsks, .jrsksp, and .jslic) to the new server
a. keystore file path when UIM is configured with Windows Authentication; C:\Users\uimuser (uimuser is the user that UIM/Data_engine is configured with)
b. keystore file path when UIM is configured with a Non-windows Authentication; C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile

4. Run the NimBUS Robot installer and supply the IP of the Primary hub

5. If UIM is configured with Windows Authentication, set the Nimsoft Robot Watcher Logon setting with the same user configured on the original CABI instance.

6. Restart the Nimsoft Robot Watcher service and validate tha all probes start up fine.

7. Login to the CABI server-> http(s)://<CABI IP address or <FQDN>/cabijs with superuser and ensure that Home Page and Dashboards work fine.

8. Check the cabi log and validate that it is error free
Expected entry when CABI is working: Finished synchronizing users between UIM and CABI

9. Deactivate/Activate the wasp on the OC Robot

10. Login to OC and validate that Reports display the CABI Reports

Scenario B: Steps when migrating to a new server with a different cabi server name and IP

1. Snapshot/Backup the Current CABI Server. + Make a local copy of CABI and WASP folders to be used to replicate any previous settings in the new server if needed. 

2. Snapshot/backup the new Target Server

2. Export any custom report from CABI 

a) find the custom report

b) right click and export:

3. Once all Reports are exported proceed with deleting CABI from the original server: 

Cabi cleanup process for uninstallation or reinstall (

4. Once CABI is completely uninstalled from the original server, deploy cabi on the target system following the Docs as a clean installation: 

Install or Upgrade for a Bundled CABI Server (

5. Once CABI is installed on the new machine re-establish any previous configuration such as HTTPS configuration, following the installation docs.  

6. Reimport the Exported CABI by importing the reports using

Manage > Server Settings > Import

7. Check the cabi log and validate that it is error free
Expected entry when CABI is working: Finished synchronizing users between UIM and CABI

8. Deactivate/Activate the wasp on the OC Robot

9. Login to OC and validate that Reports display the CABI Reports

Additional Information

Related KB:

Moving or Migrating DX UIM Installation from old environment to a new one (Physical or Virtual) (

Bundled CABI Reports JKS Key error on importing reports (