Bundled CABI Reports JKS Key error on importing reports
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Bundled CABI Reports JKS Key error on importing reports


Article ID: 205687


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Unable to migrate reports from CABI 7.5 to CABI 7.5.

Error: the import failed due to an invalid encryption key. please refer to jasper reports security guide

Note: This is only for migrating custom cabi reports from one cabi to another cabi of the same version.  (It is not supported to migrate custom reports from one version to another)


UIM : 20.3+
CABI : 7.5+



Note: This is only for migrating custom cabi reports from one cabi to another cabi of the same version.  (It is not supported to migrate custom reports from one version to another)

Follow below steps:

  1. Login to Cabi UI target environment (eg: UAT) as superuser.
  2. Create an export file from the target environment.
  3. Open index.xml from the zip file exported from target environment.
  4. Copy the below values from the target index.xml
    <property name="keyalias" value="xxxxxxx"/>
    <property name="encrypted" value="xxxxxx"/>
  5. Login to Cabi UI source environment (eg: UAT) as superuser.
  6. Go to Manage -> Server Settings -> Export to create an export file
  7. Unzip the index.xml from the exported source report
  8. Replace the source index.xml values for the keyalias and encrypted properties with the values copied from the target environment.
  9. Zip the folder (making sure that the folder structure remains intact).
  10. Import the modified zip in the target environment.