UIM - Disk Alarm is generated even though the Disk is unchecked
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UIM - Disk Alarm is generated even though the Disk is unchecked


Article ID: 271230


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM)


There is a specific directory that is unchecked in the CDM probe. However, the alarm keeps getting generated.

"Local file system /run/user/14###### is not available"

The disk IS available.

Removed the CDM probe, deleted the alarm. The alarm got generated even CDM is deleted. 

Reinstalled the CDM probe.

Checked the disk.

Clicked Apply, Ok.

Deleted the alarm. The alarm got generated again.

Removed the robot.

The alarm stopped getting generated. 

Re-installed the robot. The alarm got generated.


Release : 20.4.x (Any supported release)

Component: Robot



From alarm details we can see the probe generating the alert is "UnknownProbe"

The root cause was server having duplicate ip in the network being monitored by UIM

Can check to locate the probe /server causing alarm from IM which might show the other server with similar ip and then you can correct the issue 

Also can check the spooler /probe logs for further troubleshooting and can clear niscache of robot 

UnknownProbe alarms

How to clear the niscache on an individual robot

This use case is also valid for other alarms where the probe sending the alert is shown as "UnknownProbe" for example, e2e_appmon, in the alarm details.