The report generation fails with error port out of range:-1
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The report generation fails with error port out of range:-1


Article ID: 271149


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


We are unable to generate daily report from Dollar Universe every report generation fails with error

Server communication error.port out of range:-1 [REPORTER_NODE:-1]

AREA=X value taken from environment variable S_AREA/S_ESPEXE.


Release : 6.X


The first error is related to the fact that on this server the IPV6 is enabled whereas the uxsrsrv.sck mapping to the IPV4 

The second error is related to corrupt or missing user details in $REPORTER/data/users.conf which is used to submit report extraction. 



Resolve Error 1

1: Ask your network admin team to disable IPV6 on the server

2: Stop the reporter node

3: Start the reporter node and run the command netstat -an |grep 106 to check if the IPV4 IP is bind to port 10620

4: Open the UVC and locate REPORTER node and double click and perform full synchronization(It maintains the reporter IP details)

Resolve Error 2

1: Check the service/user account running reporter client

2: Create a submission account which matches the user exist on the reporter node server i.e. UVC > Design > Environment > Accounts

3: Assign the required permission to user mapped in step 2

uxrights -m assign -a system_user_mapped_in_submission_account

Run the new extraction

Additional Information

Reference Knowledge Articles

* Jobs aborting with error "The related object could not be found"

* Command uxrepadd failed

* Reporter users.conf file issue