What is a Pre-Upgrade review and how can Broadcom help you be successful ?
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What is a Pre-Upgrade review and how can Broadcom help you be successful ?


Article ID: 271069


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA) CA Spectrum CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


Planning for a upgrade ?

Have questions related to upgrades ?

Need somebody to help you with a Pre-Upgrade review ?

We are there to help you to be successful.


All releases




Take Advantage of Pre-upgrade review:

a) Preparation 

Have a plan in place ideally 1-2 weeks to the planned event with your Account Team (Account Manager or CSM) requesting a hot site - also known as Special instruction - to be set. If you are unfamiliar with your Account Team, please open a case with Support and we will be happy to assist.

For the success of your Upgrade we strongly recommend providing this information and scheduling a Pre-Upgrade review with one of L1 Product Subject Matter expert's.  We have a history of high success rate for those customers who participate in the Pre-Upgrade reviews. If you would like one of the Subject matter experts to review your upgrade/deployment plan, then please open a support case and upload your detailed plan for review.

b) Review DX - Netops upgrade documentation

c) Review Netops Upgrade Run-book 

d) Review Upgrade Checklist

e) Pre-work:


Did you test this in non-production first?

Is production the exact same as non-production?  If not, what is difference between the two?

Did you run into problems with the non-prod upgrade?  If so, what sorts of problems did you run into?  The workarounds/solutions should be noted.

Backup plan:

What will you be backing up prior to upgrade?

When will you take the backup?

Back out/rollback plan:

When will you make the decision to back out in case something goes wrong? How long can it stay like that?

What steps will be taken to back out of the upgrade?

Who from your team needs to be available for troubleshooting?

Do you have a workaround in the meantime?

Do you have the support number to call in case something goes wrong?  Severity 1 cases cannot be raised from the website.  Use a new case when running into a new issue.

f) Request for Hot Site -Upgrade Form / Hot Site Preparation Questionnaire:

Completing this form below with accurate responses is highly recommended to receive the highest level of support if you encounter any Severity 1 issues during your upgrade. Please have the form completed at least 2 business days prior to your upgrade or contact your Account Team / CSM and provide the information so they can enter it into our internal system.
Item Information Comments
Company Name required  
Company Site ID (or Account #)  required  
Customer Technical Contact Name required  
Customer Telephone Number required  
Customer Email Address required  
Brief Description of Event required  
Product(s) required  
Current and Future Release required  
Requested Date Preparation Conf. Call w/Customer (incl. Case Number) required  
Start / End Date of Hot Site Designation  (include exact time in Central Standard Time Format) required  
Requested by (Name and Organization) required  
Environment (Production, QA, Test) required  
Critical Outage Window Start Date / Time – End Date / Time required  
Upgrade Plan Attached To Email (Y/N) required  
Services Involvement (Y/N) required  
Services Onsite – Contact Person required  


If you need help in preparing your internal upgrade/deployment plan, please contact your Account Team to request Services assistance, as that falls outside the scope of support. 

Should you require urgent assistance during the upgrade/install time window, then you will need to call in to support to request that a Severity 1 case be opened to obtain assistance.

For North America, +1-800-225-5224
For other countries, visit: https://support.broadcom.com/group/ecx/contact-support

Support will be available to help with troubleshooting and resolving issues, but will not stay on the webex/call during the entire upgrade process.

Best practices strongly suggest for all upgrade plans to also include a rollback plan in the rare case that one or more issues are encountered that may need additional time to investigate, beyond the planned critical outage time.

Additional Information