This is a Quick Upgrade guide for the UpdateReadinessTool (URT)
For the full "DLP Quick Upgrade Guide" please visit the following link: DLP Quick Upgrade Guide
Running the URT is a core component of upgrading Data Loss Prevention
VERSION DISCLAIMER: <DLPversion> = 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1 or 16.0.2 |
Note: Username and Passwords provided below are for example only, choose your own values to match your company requirements.
Download Installers:
URT Installer:
** As a general rule, you should always download the latest version of the URT that is currently available.
** Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set
Create the Environment Variables:
Environment Variables Quick Install Guide for Windows
Environment Variables Quick Install Guide for Linux
Run the UpdateReadinessTool
1. Download and Extract the URT
Windows Target Path for Extraction: C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\<DLPversion>\Protect\Migrator\URT
Linux Target Path for Extraction: /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/<DLPversion>/Protect/Migrator/URT
2. Open CMD (administrator)
3. Change directory to the "\URT\Script" directory for Windows...
CD C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\<DLPversion>\Protect\Migrator\URT\Script
or for Linux...
CD /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/<DLPversion>/Protect/Migrator/URT/Script
4. Open SQLPlus
sqlplus /nolog
5. Run the following script by entering "@oracle_create_user.sql" at the command line and answer the prompts: @oracle_create_user.sql
- This is used to create the "protectupgrade" user that is used later in Step# 9
6. Back up one directory in the CMD Prompt so you are back in the URT directory
7. Log into SQL as SYSDBA
sqlplus sys@protect as sysdba
8. Run the Grant Commands to Grant permissions to the [Schema User]
GRANT SELECT ON dba_registry_history TO protect;
GRANT SELECT ON dba_temp_free_space TO protect;
9. Run the UpdateReadinessTool
java UpdateReadinessTool
Enter Database Username (protect)
Enter Database Password (*******)
Enter Database Readiness User (protectupgrade)
Enter Database Readiness Pass (****************)
Enter the Oracle SID (protect)
10. Check the logs to confirm it was successful
Windows: C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\<DLPversion>\Protect\Migrator\output
Linux: /opt/Symantec/DataLossPrevention/EnforceServer/<DLPversion>/Protect/Migrator/output
Filename: UpdateReadinessTool-v<DLPVersion>_<year>_<month>_<day>-<time>-details.txt
** Always review the file flagged with "-details", this file contains the full URT results.
For additional guides please see the "Getting Started with Data Loss Prevention"
To provide feedback please click on the "Feedback" link or send an email to "[email protected]"