Find who approved/rejected a site id registration request
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Find who approved/rejected a site id registration request


Article ID: 270109


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Support Portal


A user administrator can view/find who approved/rejected a Site ID registration request for the Site ID he is administrator for. The changes done to a user profile on a site id such as below.

  • Site ID request approved.
  • Site ID access added.
  • Site ID request rejected.
  • Revoked Site ID access.
  • Revoked User Administrator access.
  • Added Product Administrator access

    and so on can be viewed by a User Administrator.


A user administrator can view the list of all approvals/rejections done for a Site ID they are user administrator for.

Login to the Broadcom Support Portal and go to the Menu bar at the top Left.

  1. Click on My Tools and select Administration.

  2. Select the Audit Reporting Tab. This will show the list of Site ID accesses approved/rejected/added to the users, including who has made these changes. 

Note: The Audit page can show only 3 months old data


Additional Information

If you need any further assistance, please Contact Broadcom support