When you copy parent (project/custom investment) and sub-object records get created the ID (code) is just copied not being incremented and should be created with new auto-numbers.
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When you copy parent (project/custom investment) and sub-object records get created the ID (code) is just copied not being incremented and should be created with new auto-numbers.


Article ID: 270036


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


When copying the sub-object on "New From Template" although the copy happens seamlessly, we can see that the "Code" field is not changed in the copied instances & is essentially the same as on the template. This could cause potential issue if we are to refer this code field elsewhere. Being said that, the internal ID remains distinct & changes from the source as intended. Code is set with Auto number at object side but still it overwrites the code from template and creating duplicates.

Similar defect for name and defect ID DE68290: KB article : Copy - Name* field is using the Default Value and not the source record value

Steps to reproduce
1- Create subobject on investment object or custom investment
2- Go into Administration > Objects > subobject and set Auto number on Name & ID attributes
3- Go to designated template in MUX and add ~5 instances to the subobject grid
4- Create a project/CI using New from Template action
5- Review newly created project/CI subobject instances via adding the Name/ID columns to grid view
Actual: The copy happens and we can see that the ID field in grid is not changed in the copied instances and is essentially the same as on the template.
Expected: ID is unique using new from template action
Workaround: When customer Xogs, this works fine and both Name and ID are incremented.

Additional information:
From DB, the Name column is being incremented, but the code column is not.
MUX, the Name column is being incremented, but the ID column is not.


Release : 16.1.1


This is included in new feature work and sub-object items with auto-numbers should get incremented as expected. For now the workaround, there is a unique key in combination with the investment ID.

Refer to the following work, as it covers both Tasks and Custom Sub Objects when a 'copy' action is used.

DE70956-When you copy parent (project/custom investment) and sub-object records get created the ID (code) is just copied not being incremented and should be created with new auto-numbers

DE70707-Issues for Copy Tasks when ID is enabled for Auto-Numbering

Both the above references were analyzed by Engineering and resolved as current design.

A user feature has been created to enhance this functionality in the future:

F29867: Copy Tasks Action within Current Investment
When auto-number is configured on any field within the Task Object, do not simply 'copy' the existing value, be sure a new auto-number is generated for all use cases (for tasks copied from the SAME investment or from OTHER investments) 

Same applies to subobjects like Risks, Issues, Changes