All products in the CA 2E product family require a license, sometimes known as an authorization code. The products in the CA 2E family are: CA 2E Toolkit, CA 2E (with language generator), CA 2E Change Management Option and CA 2E Web Option.
Licenses are provided by Broadcom's Global Service Centre (GSC) and consist of 13 groups of 4 hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F). The license covers a combination of product, release, expiry date, System iServer model and System iServer serial number.
The values for the System iServer can be obtained using the DSPSYSVAL command:
Note: There might be a number of separate licenses to authorize the products a client is contracted for. For example, a client licensed to CA 2E English RPG would actually receive 2 licenses covering:
- CA 2E 400 Toolkit, CA 2E, English language, CA 2E RPG Generator
- CA 2E RPGIV ILE Generator
The CA 2E license is stored in the library YLUSLIB. This library must always be named YLUSLIB and cannot be renamed.
When CA 2E is installed on a System iServer for the first time, a library YLUSLIB0 is restored from the CA 2E product media.
To create the license library YLUSLIB, run the command YCRTLUSLIB.
When a new release of CA 2E is installed the YLUSLIB library must be upgraded by following these steps:
1. Restore the new YLUSLIB0 library
2. Restore and install the new CA 2E product libraries
4. Make sure your library list contains the latest CA 2E product libraries
5. Run the command YCRTLUSLIB. Any existing license codes for previous releases will still be retained and will continue to work.
6. Use the command YGRTLICAUT (Grant License Authorization) and prompt it with F4. This has 13 parameters of 4 positions to accept the license code(s) supplied by GSC.
7. Use the command YDSPLICPRD (Display Product Licenses) to display the licenses currently installed on your system.
On the display some products will show as separate components:
CA 2E Toolkit
1DC TK Documentation Utilities
1DS TK Designer Utilities
1PG TK Programmer Utilities
1US TK User Access Utilities
2DS 2E Design module
2PG 2E Programmer module
2US 2E User modules
CA 2E RPG Generator
2RP 2E RPG Generator
2R4 2E RPGIV ILE Generator (from 2E release 7.0)
CA 2E COBOL Generator
2CB 2E COBOL Generator
2CI 2E COBOL ILE Generator (from 2E release 8.0)
CA 2E Language Options
2EN 2E English module
2FR 2E French module
2JP 2E Japanese module
CA 2E Change Management Option
2CM 2E Change Control module
CA 2E Web Option
W2R Web Option HTML Generator
On the display, some products will be displayed in bold with a subfile select: 2CM, 2DS, 2PG and 2US. If you use option '5' you will get a further display showing the actual users of those products.
Upgrading a System iServer means that the model or serial number or possibly both will change. As the CA 2E license depends on the model and serial number, you will need to raise a Support case and obtain a new license from GSC.
Before applying the new license, the old license needs to be removed with these steps:
3. Apply the new license using YGRTLICAUT
Moving to a new System iServer is equivalent to an upgrade as described previously so you will need to:
1. Obtain a new license from GSC
2. Move your CA 2E libraries to the new server
3. Remove the old license with the CLRPFMs
4. Apply the new license with YGRTLICAUT
If the Toolkit is not licensed or the license expires, you will get YY50003 error when try to generate
Please review KB Article 230002 for instructions to obtain license materials