How to install ARD Hub for Docker Offline
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How to install ARD Hub for Docker Offline


Article ID: 269660


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CA Agile Requirements Designer


Our server that we want to use to install ARD Hub does not have Internet access.

How do we install ARD Hub offline, since we are unable to pull the Docker images from Broadcom for that machine?


Release : ARD Hub 3.2.x and ARD Hub 3.3.x


In order to pull the required images, you will need to use another Linux system that has Internet access to download the required images. Then move a copy of the images to the system, where you wish to run the installation. If you do not have a Linux system, with Internet access, please open a support case, and request a copy of the Docker images from support. Please provide the exact version of ARD Hub you are needing for the installation.



  • Verify the ARD Hub installation requirements, such as Docker 19.03.12 and Docker Compose 1.26.2, are preinstalled on the Server where the ARD Hub is to be installed.
    For more information, see ARD Installation Requirements.

  • Verify you have sudo permissions to run the script and docker, dockerd, docker-compose, and other Linux commands listed on the ARD Installation Requirements page.

  • Verify the service account has sudo permissions to start the Docker container.

  • You will need a Linux system, with Docker installed, and an internet connection to download Docker images online, as well as the ability to transfer the images to the offline server, so you can import the Docker images manually into an offline Docker repository.

Pre-installation Steps:

These steps need to be performed on the Linux system that has Internet access.

  1. Download the ARD Hub installation media from the Broadcom Support Portal (

    For Example:
         'CA Agile Requirements Designer Hub 3.2.7 - Docker'
         'CA Agile Requirements Designer Hub 3.3 - Docker'

  2. Place the file in the folder of your choice.

    Note: The file is a zip file. The Linux system will need to have the zip and unzip packages installed. You may need to have your Linux Admin help you with this. 
  3. If you are upgrading a previous ARD Hub installation, it's recommended to take a backup of the MySQL database before upgrading ARD Hub. If you do not know how to back up the MySQL database files, open a support case and request a copy of the script.
    1. Place a copy of the script in a directory that sudo access has been granted

    2. Execute the script by running: sudo ./

    3. The script will create the backup file in the same directory where it was executed from. The file name will be backup-DATE-TIME.sql
              NOTE: you may want to rename the backup file to backup_3.2.7-DATE-TIME.sql, just so you know what version the backup file is from.

Download the required Docker images:

  1. From the Broadcom Support Portal ( save a copy of the export 'Token' command and the export 'customer_name' command.
    You will need to run these commands before running the script. These commands export temporary user variables used by the installation script to pull the ARD images.

    Note: The token is only valid for 2 hours, so do not do this until you are ready to perform pull the required images.
    1. Log into

    2. Select Enterprise Software

    3. Select "My Downloads" > "Agile Requirements Designer"

    4. Expand the Product SKU that your site has access to. Your choices could be different from the example used.

    5. Click the Docker icon that correlates to ARD release that you want to use. In this example, we are using ARD 3.2.7.

    6. Copy the provided custom commands and paste them into a terminal window. Run the custom commands to initialize temporary local environment variables:
           export token='your token'
           export customer_name='your name'

  2. Change directories to the location where the 'CA Agile Requirements Designer Hub <version> - Docker' file was placed and unzipped the file.


    Run the following commands to pull and save the required docker images. If you use sudo, run as sudo -E to preserve the user's environment variables.

    Note: the following table contains a list of supported component versions, that you will need to refer to, depending on the release of ARD Hub you are working with:

    ARD Version

    percona Version

    Keycloak Version

    traefik Version

    ard/aux TAG

    ard/hub TAG


























    NOTE: if you are needing to pull the images for ARD 3.3.x, please contact Broadcom Support, and let the Support team know that you need the keycloak 20.0.5 image. You will not be able to pull this image from Broadcom, and Support will need to provide you with a copy.


    • sudo –E ./ –get-files
    • sudo docker pull percona:<version>
    • sudo docker pull<version>
    • sudo docker pull traefik:<version>
    • sudo docker image save –o percona.<version>.tar percona:<version>
    • sudo docker image save –o keycloak.<version>.tar<version>
    • sudo docker image save –o ard_aux.tar ard/aux:<TAG>
    • sudo docker image save –o ard_hub.tar ard/hub:<TAG>
    • sudo docker image save –o traefik.<version>.tar traefik:<version>

      Where you are replacing <version> and <TAG> with the appropriate release in the table above.

  4. Verify that you have downloaded the following tar files:
    • percona.<version>.tar
    • keycloak.<version>.tar
    • traefik.<version>.tar
    • ard_aux.tar
    • ard_hub.tar

Load the images in the Offline Docker registry:

  1. Move the tar files to the system without Internet access. The system where you want to install ARD Hub.

  2. Run the following commands on the system without Internet access to import the images into the local Docker registry:
    • sudo docker image load -i percona.<version>.tar
    • sudo docker image load -i keycloak.<version>.tar
    • sudo docker image load -i traefik.<version>.tar
    • sudo docker image load -i ard_aux.tar
    • sudo docker image load -i ard_hub.tar
  3. Replace the keyword TAG by running the following commands to set the appropriate tag version for ard/aux and ard/hub.

    sudo docker tag SOURCE_IMAGE:[TAG] TARGET_IMAGE:[TAG]

    Note: You can use the provided table in this KB as a reference. However, to verify the appropriate TAG version, open the file in a word editor, and check the third line: HUB_VERSION=3.x.x

    For example:
    • sudo docker tag ard/aux: ard/aux:
    • sudo docker tag ard/hub: ard/hub:

Install the ARD Hub using the Offline Repository:

  1. To install the ARD Hub on the system without Internet access, run the script using the following options:
    • sudo ./ --hostname <> --port 8080 --jvm-heap-max-size 8192 --offline


      --hostname is used to set the hostname of the server hosting the ARD Hub
      --port sets the communication port used to connect to the ARD HUB (default is 8080)
      --jvm-heap-maz-size sets the maximum amount of memory (in MB) allocated to the JVM used by ARD HUB (this is an optional setting and can be adjusted as needed for your installation)
      --offline tells to use the local docker repository and not to pull the images from Broadcom.

  2. Wait for the installation to complete. 

    The installer installs Docker images, creates configuration files, and proceeds with the ARD Hub installation. The installer creates a /var/ard/application-data/.ard directory, which contains configuration files.
    When the script completes, it prints the URL of the ARD web interface.


  3. If you are a customer using the PLA license, configure your file now. For more information, see Configure the License.

  4. Open your web browser and verify that you can log into the ARD web interface with the admin password.
    By default, the admin password is admin



Additional Information

Now that you have installed ARD Hub and the web interface, add users to the Hub by configuring the LDAP connection, so users can log in using their existing Active Directory accounts.

 For more information regarding the ARD Hub Installation, see


For steps to upgrade ARD Hub (Online Method), see