Cost Plan Detail Audit in MUX
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Cost Plan Detail Audit in MUX


Article ID: 268668


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


SUMMARY: In MUX the audit trail should show the Audit for Cost Plan Detail Costs in both the attribute as well as the TSV.



1. In Classic go to Cost Plan Details object

2. Set audit trail for changes and insert/delete for the fields:
   Cost Total
3. Per article    Alert: ODF-0800: No attributes were selected for auditing. Contact your administrator.
   Make sure you have audit trail set on one attribute for the Cost Plan Object as well.

4. In MUX make sure you have the Audit Trail module on your project blueprint

5. On a project go to financials and update the values for some of the cost plan detail lines

5. Go to Audit Trail tab


Expected Results:  You will see Cost Totals as well as the TSV show on the tab

Actual Results:  Only Cost Totals show, no TSV or values on the Cost Plan Details lines

Workaround:  View in Classic either on Cost Plan Details audit or on Global Audit Trail


Release : 16.1.2


Reported as DE70547.  Currently under review


In order to see the cost plan detail items in the MUX Audit, you need to add the Per-Period Metrics on the Audit tab under View Options to include Old Value and New Value