Omegamon for DB2 was replaced by Sysview PM Option for DB2. While integrating Sysview PM for z/OS V16, Sysview PM Option for DB2 (IDB2) R20 and Cross Enterprise APM Agent V10 the following error message occurred : DB20032E* No active and monitored Db2 Subsystem found.
This is happening after accessing MENU DB2 option from Sysview pm z/OS
The article DB20032E* No active and monitored Db2 Subsystem found explains how to solve this message error, but after applying the recommendation this message still appears.
Here there four things to be considered:
The TCP/IP port to be used is 5001 and the STC name for TCP/IP is TCPIP
The XMANID is 0020
The RACF user owner for STC is USERID1
The RACF profile for PassTicket generation were created
Sysview PM has two parmlib libraries: SITE CAI.SY160.CNM4BPRM.lpar_name and SYSTEM CAI.SY160.SMPE.CNM4BPRM.lpar_name
The member SVWLDB2 in CAI.SY160.CNM4BPRM.ssid was customized with the following values:
XNET-PassTicketApplId 'DB2TOOLS'
XNET-Port 5001
The Sysview PM and Sysview for DB2 (IDB2) load libraries where concatenated in STC procedures
The message "XNET AGENT INITIALIZATION COMPLETE" appears in IDB2 Data Collector joblog
The message "Xnet Agent up id(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) xmgr(0020)" appears in IDB2 Data Collector joblog
IDB2 Data Collector Source library, in member IDDCPRMS there is the parameter XNETAGT and the value is XNETAGT=YES
IDB2 XNET procedure has the following parms: TCP=TCPIP,APPL=DB2TOOLS,PORT=5001,XMANID=0020
Member PXNPARM of IDB2 XNET procedure has the following parameter: PASSNAME(DB2TOOLS)
The message ""INITIALIZATION IS COMPLETE FOR DATA COLLECTOR FOR DB2 SUBSYSTEM ssid" appears in IDB2 Data Collector joblog
The root cause of this issue is because "localhost" was not defined in the site.
In the Sysview SVWLDB2 parmlib member modify the hostname from localhost to the explicit hostname of the LPAR where XNET is running and then cycle Sysview.
XNET-Hostname localhost ===> change
XNET-PassTicketApplId 'DB2TOOLS'
XNET-Port 5001
When "localsite" parameter was changed in Sysview SVWLDB2 parmlib member and reloaded with a real tcp/ip address ... it worked.
The Sysview LIBCACHE (Library Cache) command was used in order to reload the member SVWLDB2 located in Sysview's *.CNM4BPRM parmlib library.