Roadmap Import- Cannot import links through the CSV method
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Roadmap Import- Cannot import links through the CSV method


Article ID: 262023


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Clarity PPM SaaS


The KT doc Roadmap Items do not sync if they are created via API explains the way to load links using the REST API.

If the below link fields are added to the CSV import it does not link the records to the PPM projects.

  • linkedTo
  • linkedToType
  • linkedToId
  • sync

The API doc states that the follow two columns should be added but if we add these to the CSV import fails.

  • linkedInternalId
  • linkedToObjectCode

Can one import links through the CSV method?



Release : 16.1.1


CSV import does not currently support virtual attributes. 

The below fields are virtual attributes on the Roadmap ITEMS (RMI) object except 'sync' attribute from your list. However, though 'sync' is a physical column, it can't be updated to 'true' until it is linked to some investment.
The actual field that produces value for the above 3 fields is 'linkedInternalId'. You can observe the same thing in the patch payload when you try to change the linkedTo for any of the RoadmapItem. So what you were trying here basically is the ability to update 'linkedInternalId' via CSV import. By definition, this linkedInternalId is a private attribute and CSV import never supports updating a private attribute. If a user tries to do so, it becomes a bad request and throws below error in CSV import (not just RMI, any private attribute of any object would give the same error if we try to import).
"IMP-1005: Column 'linkedInternalId' not supported for import."

As per the current clarity code we can't make this 'linkedInternalId' public either nor CSV import be relaxed for private attributes. This would an enhancement which is only possible via a code change for a future release. 

Additional Information

Clarity ideation process for raising product enhancements.