CCS Console error: 'Error in Filter xml: One or more filters have an invalid value in Filter xml'
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CCS Console error: 'Error in Filter xml: One or more filters have an invalid value in Filter xml'


Article ID: 261636


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Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Database


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

When navigating the CCS console (it can occur in random locations in the console), the following error appears:

Error: Error in Filter XML: One or more filters have an invalid value in Filter xml


CCS 12.5.x

CCS 12.6.x


The user preferences for the CCS console have become corrupt or just need to be reset.  See the Knowledge base article below on how to reset the user's preferences for the CCS console.

How to reset the user defined custom settings in the CCS console.